🔒 Patreon Special

IT Pros: exclusive shows await you on Patreon, focusing on the more challenging aspects of running your practice and working with clients and employees.

234: Letting The Fox Into The Henhouse

We're sponsored this week by Watchman Monitoring, a favorite tool of ours that should be in every professional consultant's toolkit.

Visit WatchmanMonitoring.com/cmdctrlpwr and sign up for your free trial to find out how Watchman Monitoring can keep an eye on your client machines and notify you of over 100 issues. Be sure to tweet @cmdctrlpwr #CCPsentme to support the show!


Michael Thomsen, Director, Origin84 writes:

"I think that this is a particular time of year leading into the Christmas period where people can become a bit testy and start demanding things be done faster than usual for the arbitrary "have it in before the holiday" deadlines. Probably harder still in the NH given you're also headed into Fall/Winter.

Off-boarding is a great topic, and a fine art. Until you've had some experience with the good and bad it can be a minefield - especially if it was not your decision to end the relationship. 

As an anecdote we've just lost a contract for a fully Mac design client with on prem storage to a generic 'Cloud Services and Support Provider' who is going to save the company "thousands of dollars" per month by deprecating the on prem storage by moving them to Dropbox Business. 

While this was not what we would recommend or support it ultimately is the businesses decision however we have taken great pride in developing a rigorous but simple and straightforward off-board process more thorough than the new vendors on-boarding process - which in turn has caused some significant questions to be raised whether the new solution and vendor are fit for the job. 

We will continue to take the high road until we part ways, because ultimately once you're not working with a client the only thing they really remember is the way things were left when you walked out."

- Sam's Birthday 

- Apple "Hand Off" Mysterious Hack?

- Apple Genius Bar Diagnosis And Fixes

- High Sierra Installer Being Pushed Out By Apple

- Time Machine Glitch and Fix - Users seeing an error: URLs with the type "file:" are not supported, solved by changing name of Time Capsule disk; old name had a single quote in it

- Apple Watch Player - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/watch-player/id1170672458?mt=8

- Clients Replacing Routers

- Apple vs Watchman - Identifying Hard Drive Errors and Sending your Client To the Apple Store

- Think twice before encrypting your HFS+ volumes on High Sierra